Many of the men appointed by an Elector Count to lead an army will also be nobles of the Empire, educated in martial pursuits from an early age - falconry, swordsmanship and hunting Beastmen in the forests. Of course there are always exceptions, and some of the more bellicose counts, such as Valmir von Raukov of Ostland, have an unhealthy love for the clash of swords and the thunder of cannons, thus taking to the field of battle whenever they can. Often, command is delegated to a trusted soldier considered to be an honourable leader of men, and this officer will lead the province's forces when the count cannot. In practice, however, it is unfeasible for Elector Counts to command every force that must be despatched, for the Empire is a dangerous land, and its territories are forever under attack from savage monsters and marauding armies. The knowledge that their count is personally fighting beside them is enough to embolden the courage of a province's soldiers and strengthen their resolve. First and foremost amongst these great leaders are the Elector Counts, inspirational and famous individuals whose mere presence can steady a wavering battle line. The armies of the Empire are led by warriors who have been trained to direct their forces as effortlessly as a swordsman wields a blade.