“Amply illustrated…A well-organized book…Fans of this group…will be thrilled by the inside information. “Mighty fine reading and viewing that any CSN fan-and even Neil Young fans-could appreciate.” For both CSN&Y fans and students of American music history, is an essential read.” “Although it is immediately clear in Zimmer's narrative that he is not only a confidant, but a fan as well, none of the details-including many that the band members themselves would probably rather forget-are left out…Still, and to Zimmer's credit, never reads in the sort of lurid fashion which often characterizes other rock bios from the same era… an engaging and easy-to-read, matter-of-fact style that literally puts the reader right there. “An expansive volume complete with a wonderful collection of photographs…A wonderful companion for fans of the iconic trio…This work opens the doors to the backstage area of the legend of Crosby, Stills and Nash while providing the framework and the excitement of the union of these three with Neil Young…A delightful piece of music history.”

Recommendations from the African Diaspora.