This new version of MacDraft is the faster and better than ever beforeYou will be creating useful drawings in no time using all the benefits of the new features:The customizable toolbar saves you time going to the menus for frequently used commands. We have added new templates and sample libraries to help you get started with ease.Combine these with the new coordinate system, larger drawing size, better rulers, customizable scales and the clipped text feedback and you have the simplest and fastest 2D CAD program on the market with the genuine easy to learn Macintosh interface. The new layers palette stays visible all the time amd gives constant feedback of which layer you are editing simplifying operations.Images should not need to be preprocessed now with the image menu and new resize palette for images bringing more functionality within MacDraft. The drag and drop library palette makes finding items easier and so its much faster to use than previous library utilities. MacDraft is a powerful 2D CAD program for Macs that is suitable for all abilities. Even though this is a Pro version, it's designed so that beginners won't have a problem learning how to use it although for a slightly cheaper price tag without the professional features, a Personal Edition is also available for download here. It's been tailored specifically for Macs with an elegant OS X look and feel. The interface of MacDraft will come as a tonic to anyone that's only used CAD software in Windows. MacDraft can automatically readjust layouts for you or you can choose to manually configure them yourself. Most importantly for those that have worked with AutoCAD in Windows, MacDraft can import AutoCAD files as well as other programs that export to DWG and DXF.